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HowNow Server - Learning & Support

HowNow X & HowNow 5.2

There are currently two released versions of HowNow. 

HowNow X is HowNow in the cloud - see HowNow Features for all the functionality change in HowNow X.

HowNow 5.2 is the software that is installed locally on your own servers. 

Differences between the two versions:

HowNow X 

HowNow Server 

Accessibility Downloadable desktop app
& Web Browser (Viewing Only)
Local server or hosted server
Storage locationDedicated Azure services
(Single tenancy – Australia)
Local server or hosted server
Two Factor Authentication×
Document Versioning Control
Disaster RecoveryInternal
Document and Database BackupInternal
Practice ManagementAllAll
Automated Form Creation & Population AdvancedAdvanced
PDF Tools 
Comprehensive Video Training Library
Dedicated, Qualified Australian Support TeamPhone & EmailPhone & Email
System requirementsClick hereClick here

Functionality Improvement in HowNow X 

Grids and forms have been redesigned or refreshed to provide a more modern, cleaner and simpler experience without losing the HowNow familiarity.

Search results are still numbered on the bottom of the grid, however the system only loads a page of documents at a time. This improves searchability.

When adding a new file a pop-up confirmation notification will appear in the bottom right hand corner of your screen.

Information and details are more meaningful. Admin details are grouped into categories cleaning up the forms making for a better user experience.

Tabs in forms have been discarded or merged to make navigation easier. For example the profile picture is now included as part of the Profile tab.

Accessing and entering information is more streamlined. The 'Birthday' field has been modernised. Leave the year at 1900 if you do not wish to enter your year of birth.

Export to Excel is now available on all tabs. This button saves the data from the current search into an editable excel file. 

Scroll bars look much smarter and are only visible when the grid is activated.

Knowledge & Records Import and Export have been simplified to remove redundant features.

Ribbons on each tab may appear untouched. That's because the updates on each ribbon have mainly been completed behind the scenes. You may notice slight changes to the functionality. These changes have been made to keep search functionality robust and improve performance.

The Contact Select drop down won't be active until an Area is selected. 

The look and feel of Record Locations has a different look and feel. The checkboxes and feedback of of the functionality provides a more user friendly interface.

Administrator Tools are still accessible via >File >Administration. Buttons have been updated and can be found in alphabetical order. These tools are becoming more feature rich making your job easier.

As an administrator you'll appreciate the changes to the Employee Select area. Drag headers below above the grid to show results that can then be sorted TRUE or FALSE. You can also Export and Print employee details and privileges.

Preview can now be turned off in System Options by the Administrator. Users will notice the Records Preview cannot be changed and that it has been turned off system wide.

Contact Details scrolls down now making it more user friendly with cleaner lines. The scroll bar will be activated when the form is activated.

Advanced search has been updated in the Contacts tab. Navigate to the Contacts user guide for assistance on how to use this functionality.

The Record Locations area provides a more accurate experience and is enhanced with the new Move Mode.

All Advanced System Tools remain with the addition of the Advanced File Importer.

Features Removed

Some redundant items have been removed from HowNow X. These include:

  • The organisation tab has been removed 
  • Jobs have been removed, but tasks are included as a standard feature. Full Workflow (jobs and tasks) can be included with the optional module.
  • Home and intranet pages have been removed
  • MailScan is not available in HNX
  • Alerts are not available in HNX
  • Option to include PaperBuster has been removed
  • The ability to add a Firm Logo has been removed also

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