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HowNow Server - Learning & Support

Connected Portal - Announcements, Reports, Help, Removing an Account


Announcements are used to send a message out to your Portal client [Accounts] base all at once.  For example, you may want to announce your Christmas shut down hours or some Budget updates. 

Announcements can be prepared, edited, saved, previewed and published. A published schedule date can be set to automatically expire after a specific event is complete.

Note: Announcements are not visible to clients until they have been published.

From the side panel, select Announce and use the buttons to create a new announcement, edit an existing announcement or publish an announcement.

Creating a new announcement

Select New to create an Announcement and then add a title and enter the text

Announcements can be formatted using the toolbar to Bold, Italic, Underline etc. Optionally, a file can be uploaded or links to images and hyperlinks can be added.

Upload a file, using the File Attachments Upload button. 

Images are inserted using a link to file on an FTP site. Hyperlinks are inserted by adding the URL 

An expiry date can be included so that the announcement is automatically removed from the client's portal after the expiry date has been reached.

Once you have finished creating the announcement, press Preview to review prior to publishing. At this point you have the option of:

  • Continuing to edit the announcement
  • Confirm (this saves the announcement but does not publish it)
  • Confirm and publish (this will make the announcement visible to Accounts to the right of their Dashboard tab)
  • Cancel (this removes the draft announcement completely)

Once an announcement has been saved, but not published, you have the option to edit or publish at a later date.

You also have the option to remove a published announcement by selecting the item in the grid and pressing Hide.


Reports are used for determining documents that have either been signed or are remaining to be signed or read by Client, Account or Employee.

Reports can also determine which Accounts have accepted or not accepted their invites, to view the list of Documents that the client has not yet read or viewed.

These are the Reports available:

Reports can be filtered by Client, Account or Employee, displayed on screen and downloaded as an .xlsx file. All reports, excluding Account Invites, can be filtered by date range.

Use the Unsigned Documents By Client report to list Documents that haven't been signed or have been Declined by the Account in AdobeSign.

Outstanding and Accepted Account Invites can be viewed in an on screen report or downloaded as an .xlsx file.

Help for Your Clients

For Help for your clients with using the portal please click here.

Removing an Account from the Portal

Below are the steps to remove an account from the Portal:

  1. Log into the Portal Admin site - https://portal-admin.hownowhq.com/login/
  2. Click on the "Accounts" tab
  3. Search for the account and click on the "Delete" button.  Click on the "Delete" button again to confirm.

*If you are unable to delete an account, please check that no signing tasks are setup for that account.  If so, you will need to remove any signing tasks first and then you can delete the account.  To check go to Portal Admin > Clients > search for the Client > click on the "View Documents" tab > check that no signing tasks are setup.

Disconnecting a Client from the Portal

Disconnecting a client from the Portal is a two step process, firstly through Portal Admin and then HowNow.  If you need to disconnect an account, click here for the instructions. Please complete this action first. 

Portal Admin

  1. Log into the Portal Admin site - https://portal-admin.hownowhq.com/login/
  2. Click on the "Clients" tab
  3. Search for the client and click on the "View Documents" button
  4. Delete all of the documents
  5. Once completed, go back to the "Clients" tab and search for the client again
  6. Highlight the client and click on the "Delete" button.  Click the "Delete" button again.

HowNow - you must be a HowNow Administrator to disconnect a client from the Portal

  1. Click on the "Contacts" tab
  2. Search for the client and double click
  3. Click on the "HowNow Portal" button
  4. Sign in with your Portal Admin credentials if required
  5. Click on the "Disconnect" button
  6. Click on the "Yes" button to confirm the client disconnect
  7. Click "OK" to save the changes
  8. The active (green) button should disappear

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