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HowNow Server - Learning & Support

Records - Update Records When the Name or Code Changes


These instructions are to be used in the following situations:

  • A client’s entity name has been updated and there are HowNow records displaying the previous entity name.
  • A client’s code has been changed and there are HowNow records displaying the previous client code.

Before you start this process, please check that users DO NOT have any records open against the client that you want to move records away from.

Step 1 – Creating a test client in HowNow

  • In HowNow go to the “Contacts” tab
  • Right click on the grid and select “New” – if the “New” option is greyed out it means you do not have the permission to create a new contact.  Please ask your HowNow Administrator to turn on this permission.
  • See below a screen shot of the fields that need to be completed in order to create a test contact.

Step 2 – Moving records from the real client to the test client

  • In Records, please clear any current filters selected and clear the search text.  Select the filter Contacts and search for the real client. 
  • Select the No Date Range option within the Date Range filter.  If this does not return any results, select the option Select Date Range and enter a date range.  This should display all of the records assigned to the client. 
  • Please take note of the total records found.  This can be found on the bottom left of the Records grid.
  • On your keyboard select Ctrl+A to highlight all of the records.  Right click and select “Profile Selection”.  The “Warning” screen should display the total number of record profile(s) that will be altered by this procedure.  Please check that this number matches the returned records from the step above.  If it matches click on the Next button. 
  • On the Select Edit Fields screen, only select the Contact field.  Click on the Next button. 
  • On the Edit Fields screen, search for the Test Client you created in step 1.  Select this client and ensure it displays against the Contact field.  Click on the Next button. 
  • On the Notifications screen, ensure that it states the contact will be changed to your test client. Once confirmed click on the Finish button.  This is now going to move the records from your real client to the test client.  Please do not move your mouse or touch your keyboard as it could affect the move process.  A green bar will display showing the progress of the move.  Once it is has finished, you will taken back to the Records grid and it should state “No items found” meaning the records have moved from the real client. 
  • Please select the HowNow Recycle Bin filter to ensure no records are assigned to the real client.  If so, you must complete the steps above for the deleted records which are in the Recycle Bin

Step 3 – Moving records from the test client back to the real client

  • In Records, please clear any current filters selected and clear the search text.  Select the filter Contacts and search for the real client. 
  • Select the No Date Range option within the Date Range filter.  If this does not return any results, select the option Select Date Range and enter a date range.  This should display all of the records assigned to the client. 
  • Please take note of the total records found.  This can be found on the bottom of the Records grid. 
  • On your keyboard select Ctrl+A to highlight all of the records.  Right click and select “Profile Selection”.  The “Warning” screen should display the total number of record profile(s) that will be altered by this procedure.  Please check that this number matches the returned records from the step above.  If it matches click on the Next button.
  • On the Select Edit Fields screen, only select the Contact field.  Click on the Next button. 
  • On the Edit Fields screen, search for the Real Client.  Select this client and ensure it displays against the Contact field. Click on the Next button. 
  • On the Notifications screen, ensure that it states the contact will be changed to your real client. Once confirmed click on the Finish button.  This is now going to move the records from your test client to the real client.  Please do not move your mouse or touch your keyboard as it could affect the move process.  The status will show the progress of the move.  Once it is has finished, you will taken back to the Records grid and it should state “No items found” meaning the records have moved to the real client. 
  • Please select the HowNow Recycle Bin filter to ensure no records are assigned to the test client.  If so, you must complete the steps above for the deleted records.

In Records, search for the records assigned to the real client.  You should see the entity name or client code updated to the new details.

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